050 828 18 18 [email protected]


Gubre.az is an agrarian trade network that carries out retail sales of various types of seeds, fertilizers and plant protection remedies for farmers throughout the country.  The trade chain belongs to "Agrarian Innovation and Supply Company" CJSC.

What does Gubre.az earn you?

Our store network.

Gubre.az is the closest and most accessible trade brand to you with a wide retail network on the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan. In order to save your time and energy, and devote more time to your farm and family, we increase our sales centers every day, organize the sale of the products you need in every district, town and village.  Our employees are at your service seven days a week.

As close as a call.  

Our specialized Call Center operates for farmers who find it difficult to come to our sales centers. You can call the short number 828 and inquire about the varieties and their terms of sale, as well as place order.

Online order. 

Through the application of modern technologies in the field of agriculture, we work so that our customers can order the products they need in a more convenient way and by spending less time.  Through this website, you can not only get useful information about agriculture and animal husbandry, but also order seeds, fertilizers and plant medicines online, and address your suggestions and complaints.  

Mobile sales.  

To make the work of our farmers even easier, and especially for our villagers engaged in farming activities in villages far from the district centers, our Mobile Sales team periodically makes direct deliveries to the villages.

Subsidized sales.  

In our sales centers you can buy seeds, fertilizers and plant protection remedies using Farmer Cards.

Reasonable prices.  

So that you can save your money, we sell plant protection remedies, seed varieties and fertilizer types from different countries of the world at the most reasonable prices and suitable for every budget.  We periodically organize campaigns at our points of sale so that our farmers can get farm needs at more reasonable prices.

Your product is very essential for us.  

The financial well-being of you, ours, and our country depends on the quality and productivity of farmers' crops.   In this regard, whether it is seed varieties or fertilizers and plant protection products, we select all the products we offer you with special care and sensitivity, and organize the sale of only certified products.  

Agronomist advice.  

At present, one of the biggest difficulties of our farmers is the lack of agricultural specialists, their lack of information about modern plant protection and fertilization tools, and therefore it is sometimes difficult to make the right choice among the many varieties and brands available in the market.  Namely, in order to help each farmer in selecting seeds and defining fertilization programs according to his farm needs, our company also provides them with agronomist consulting service.

Soil analysis.  

The most important point in defining the correct seed selection and fertilization programs is determining the soil composition. With gubre.az, our farmers have a solution to this problem - by handing over soil samples to our special center, our farmers can easily learn the composition, physical and chemical properties of agricultural soils and get an individual fertilization program that is suitable for them.

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